The National Assembly, is the highest representative and legislative body in the Republic of Slovenia. Its basic task is to perform the legislative function of authority, within which deputies adopt the most important legal acts of the state.

It was necessary to provide sound recording of events and sessions from sixteen different locations. On the already existing infrastructure, we have provided a quality and reliable recording system, on the IBM server platform and Cedar Trinity software.

Zvokarna – an independent post-production film & TV, is one of the most prestigious and respected productions in our region for film and TV environment. Founder Bostjan Kacicnik and his team, can boast of awards and recognitions at home and abroad. It is a great honor for me to cooperate with Bostjan for more than 20 years, both in the field of equipment supply and support. The company has the largest range of Sound Devices recorders for field work (from Scorpio to MixPre), in addition to AudioLTD, Zaxcom, PMC Loudspeakers, Bryston, Trinnov, Schoeps, VanDamme Cables.

The Krizanke Outdoor Theatre in Ljubljana, used for open air summer festivals set up inside the courtyard of the former Monastery of the Holy Cross. Ljubljana Festival holds major events on the open-air stage, while other venues include the Baroque-style Krizanke Church, the Knights’ Hall and the Devil’s Courtyard.

The demanding task was the acoustic arrangement of the orchestra pit, located below the stage, which can be moved and opened as needed. The request was to arrange the acoustics for a large-sized symphony orchestra. In the existing configuration, there were problems with audibility to the conductor and performers on stage.

It was successfully solved with adjustable refelectors and modification of the orchestra space. The project was successfully implemented by the construction company Makro 5.

National Broadcast Radio Slovenia stores large quantities of audio and video material, various documents and music material, mostly in analogue format.

Reliable and quality equipment used in audio recordings and mastering for the needs of the Mastering Studio 15, equipment from the manufacturers Crookwood, Trinnov Audio, Magix Sequoia, Izotope was supplied.